Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Witch hunter's bundle has arrived.

Hello everyone today is the release of the new witch hunters bundle for wizard101 it's a DarkMoor themed bundle that bundle we have been waiting for is finally here i can't wait to get my hands on it.
This amazing bundle comes with Darkmoor manor house Midnight rider mount with 50% speed boost vampire squirrel pet witch hunter's gear 1 month membership or 5000 thousand crowns you  can get this bundle at gamestop for $39 make sure you call a few before you go not all gamestops have them.

Friday, May 13, 2016

level 60 storm stats and items


Sell unwanted stuff that you can't at the Bazaar

Hello everyone today i saw you can sell unwanted stuff in Zafaria just go to this guy you can even sell unwanted pets if you wanted too.
If this is a thing you might want to check out then go to him at the market.